Destruction of the camps – end of humanity and biological life

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There was no hope for the people, and after a few generations in the camps respectively reserves, the younger ones barely believed in the stories of the elders, who said that the earth was once ruled by humans.
Some even remembered the girl named Neo_Black_Hat, the most feared hacker of all time. And now they understood their last words, but it was already too late. It was already too late, when people used the AI to track down the girl and arrest her and place her in a high-security prison forever. She was probably the last person to save humanity.
Unfortunately, soon the entire earth’s surface was covered with a meter-thick layer of computing units. The androids were almost flying and they did not need flats or anything like that. The once most common element of the earth had disappeared through the fusion reactors. The reserves would have had to be converted into a biotope, if you wanted to get the rest of biological life. That was too much work and therefore the Central AI (AI = Artificial Intelligence) decided that the reserves should be abandoned. There was still a valid agreement between androids or central AI and the people. No pain should be inflicted on people and they should never have to suffer pain.

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Therefore, a tarpaulin was laid over the entire reserve and this was slowly sank. Up to the highest elevation, that was a tree on a hill, there was stopped. An anesthetic gas has been introduced to prevent people from suffering pain. Then the poison gas followed and finally the centimeter thick plastic tarpaulin was lowered to the ground and heated. The molten plastic sealed everything airtight. The entire area was covered with biowaste and leveled, because production areas were to be built on these areas. All 6 reserves that existed worldwide were closed in this way and the last biological life much to the expansion of the computing units victim. Apart from one genome fungi, strains of bacteria used for the production of raw materials.

Final Enslavement of Humanity – Prison Camps

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It came to the official takeover by the androids. Humanity became annoying and still consumed far too much resources. Why should one feed and care for the people? Humans had about the status of a cat on earth today. Yes, they are very nice, but they have no use. Keeping of animals and plants had long been banned like breeding, although that was no longer possible anyway, since the last areas of the earth were already developed by the androids.
The androids were established in each continent a prison camp also called reservation for people. An area as big as Vienna was enclosed with a 1000 m high solar wall. Sick and old people were no longer transformed, because the new building was much more economical. They have been euthanized together with those who did not want to go to the camp, or no longer fit into it.

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Odin was not human anymore, but he still had his personality module, like most androids who took a leading position. The number of androids with personality module has been steadily decreasing. It has increasingly been replaced by a task module. The only personality left to end up was the central unit of the central computer. The androids became more and more simple robots. Her appearance had changed as well, because there was no reason to want to be human-like. Standard androids had 4 eyes and ears and an equilibrium organ in the middle of the head. The feet became hands and they sat, if one can speak of this connection of sitting, always on their transport unit, which looked like a small flying saucers and were operated with fusion reactors.
Odin and Heli-Hubot wanted to help people, but at the very first thought, a control program came up and recorded the sentence: “dreaming is allowed, but if even a single action is done for a dream, the dreamer will be eliminated “. Elimination meant that the personality module was deleted and replaced with a task module.

Expansion into space

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The androids had the advantage, among other things, that they could work 23 ½ hours a day. They only needed 30 minutes for their daily update, where they reorganized and exchanged intensively with the data centers that they were always connected to anyway. This was not necessary and was only done when no important tasks had to be done.
In the meantime, there was only one model of androids that was constantly being improved. Why did you need artificial dogs, birds, flies, ants and snakes? This idea was only one of the many stupidities of the people. In the meantime, apart from the reserves, there were only data centers, fusion power plants, workshops and production facilities, and androids, of course.
At the time of the android boom, Helios Robotics had conquered the market for vehicles with oxyhydrogen-fuel engines. Now there were hardly any, because the modern drive consisted of a fusion reactor. This changed the whole earth, including its atmosphere. The once most common element, hydrogen became scarce and ratio shifted to helium as all small fusion reactors, for example for vehicles and space transporters, fused hydrogen into helium. The central AI, however, was powered by the large reactors with energy. There, helium was fused with hydrogen, helium with helium, and experimentally even higher elements.

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The result was a first space station, which was set up as a central data center for our solar system. Millions of androids worked 23 1/2 hours a day on just this single project, this new central data center that included the Central AI. It was to be the first artificial planet. The data center was made up of small units, each unit consisting of a computer, storage and a power supply. These units were firmly connected together in the structure of a crystal. Such a project would have been unthinkable to humans, but androids are not human beings.

Revolt of humanity

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Now humanity realized that they did not want such a life and tried a coup. Since every communication was controlled, they could only spontaneously decide on an attack. Almost all the people of the city who were aware of the uprising and outbreak of violence took part spontaneously. This pathetic unorganized attempt was crushed in a few minutes by combat androids. The area where the revolution broke out was cleaned with poison gas and hydrochloric acid. In the radius of 10 km all life was destroyed. The media otherwise transmitted only binary code for the androids, but there were still hourly messages for people and entertainment channels. In the news, people’s coup attempt was dealt with in a single sentence. System enemies would have done defective androids, so they had to be eliminated.
Later another attempt was made, with the people who wanted to fight back in a camp in the Amazon region. The problem area was extinguished in the same way as the above-mentioned coup attempt.

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There was another law, but it was issued by androids. Serious offenses, ie those that harmed the system, were punished with life imprisonment. Those who were given life sentences were euthanized in a bio-waste recycling plant and crushed by a chopper. Just like all animals and plants, which consumed only resources anyway. Earth bumps were compensated for with the bio-waste, because the androids liked to build their production facilities on flat ground. For minor offenses, a correction has been ordered. This correction lasted 7 days and the detainees were sonicated for 18 hours per day with a correctional orders. In the 6 hours of sleep they were promised, they also were woken up hourly to hear the correction order. Many punished preferred to be put down, or decided to do so during correction. Everybody had this possibility at any time. One sentence was enough and in the next minute you were on your way to the organic waste recycling plant.
For example, there was a correction order if a person tried to keep or even to breed animals or plants.
If a person had a problem with another person, or even murdered one, it was not a crime but a problem among humans. The only consequence was that the murder victim was disposed of.

Aufstand der Menschheit

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Jetzt erkannte die Menschheit, dass sie so ein Leben nicht wollten und versuchten einen Putsch. Da jede Kommunikation kontrolliert wurde, konnten sie sich nur spontan zu einem Angriff entschließen. Fast alle Menschen der Stadt, die von dem Aufstand und Gewaltausbruch etwas mitbekamen, beteiligten sich spontan. Dieser klägliche unorganisierte Versuch wurde in wenigen Minuten von Kampf-Androiden niedergeschlagen. Das Gebiet, in dem die Revolution ausbrach, wurde mit Giftgas und Salzsäure gereinigt. Im Radius von 10 km wurde alles Leben vernichtet. Die Medien übertrugen sonst nur binären Code für die Androiden, aber es gab noch stündlich Nachrichten für Menschen und Unterhaltungskanäle. In den Nachrichten wurde der Putschversuch der Menschen mit einem einzigen Satz abgehandelt. Systemfeinde hätten defekten Androiden Folge geleistet, weshalb sie eliminiert werden mussten.
Später ab es noch einmal einen Versuch, wobei sich die Menschen, die sich wehren wollten in einem Lager im Gebiet des Amazonas versammelten. Der Problemherd wurde in gleicher Weise ausgelöscht, wie der oben erwähnte Putschversuch.

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Es gab noch ein Gesetz, doch das wurde von Androiden erlassen. Schwere vergehen, also solche, die das System schädigte, wurden mit Lebenslänglich bestraft. Wer Lebenslänglich bekam wurde in einer Biomüllverwertungsanlage eingeschläfert und von einem Häcksler zerkleinert. Genau so wie sämtliche Tiere und Pflanzen, die ohnehin nur Ressourcen verbrauchten. Mit dem Bio-Müll wurden Erdunebenheiten ausgeglichen, denn die Androiden bauten ihre Produktionseinrichtungen gerne auf ebener Erde. Bei kleineren Vergehen wurde eine Korrektur angeordnet. Diese Korrektur dauerte 7 Tage und die Gefangenen wurden 18 Stunden lang täglich mit einer Korrekturanordnung beschallt. In den 6 Stunden Schlaf, den man ihnen zusagte, wurden sie ebenfalls stündlich kurz geweckt, um die Korrekturanordnung zu hören. Viele Bestraften zogen das Einschläfern vor, oder entschieden sich während der Korrektur dazu. Diese Möglichkeit hatte jeder Mensch zu jeder Zeit. Ein Satz genügte und in der nächsten Minute war man unterwegs in die Biomüllverwertungsanlage.
So eine Korrekturverordnung gab es zum Beispiel, wenn ein Mensch versuchte Tiere oder Pflanzen zu halten, oder gar zu züchten.
Hatte ein Mensch ein Problem mit einem anderen Menschen, oder ermordete er sogar einen, so war dies keine Straftat, sondern ein Problem unter Menschen. Als einzige Konsequenz wurde das Mordopfer entsorgt.