DB2 und RoR

Lasse mich gerade von DB2 and Ruby on Rails faszinieren und zitiere die Zusammenfassung, um mir die Seite zu merken:

The emergence of the Ruby language, coupled with the powerful Rails framework, provides a myriad of opportunities for Web solutions development. With the introduction of the IBM_DB adapter and driver, Rails applications can now interact seamlessly with IBM data servers. This is the first article in the DB2® with Ruby on Rails series. As such, it introduces the Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails, covers various methods for installing the IBM_DB driver, and Rails migration with DB2.

DB2 Version 9.5 fix packs & client downloads for 32 bit Linux operating systems on 32-bit Intel and AMD systems (x86)
Install the DB2 IBM_DB Gem for Ruby on OS X


hat Zukunft, im Semantic Web, denke ich. Zitat aus dem Model Theoretic Semantics in TeX

Intuitively, the semantics of KIF is very simple. Unfortunately, the formal details are quite complex. Consequently, we proceed gradually in our presentation. In this chapter, we introduce the basic notions underlying the semantics of KIF (in particular, the notions of conceptualization, interpretation, variable assignment, semantic value, truth value, and logical entailment). …

Siehe auch Knowledge Interchange Format

Daher interessiert mich heute der Unterschied zwischen XML und RDF: Why RDF model is different from the XML model.

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Architectural and philosophical points
Design Issues
Resource Description Framework