Schlagwort-Archive: Social Mashups

Social Mashups mit Shindig

A social mashup is a lightweight OpenSocial application which runs inside of a social network. Because such applications do not rely on a server, they typically scale extremely well but may be limited in terms of data storage and/or processing. A social mashup is typically created using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, OpenSocial Templates, and/or Flash.

liest man auf Articles & Tutorials von OpenSocial. Apache Shindig schreibt über sich selbst:

Apache Shindig’s primary goal is to provide infrastructure for those wishing to host OpenSocial apps on their websites. Another goal of Apache Shindig is to be language neutral and cover multiple languages.

Java und PHP Versionen sind zu dem interessanten Unterfangen erhältlich. Ich habe es gerade erst über OpenSocial and Google Friend Connect entdeckt und sehe es mir näher an.